Saturday, May 23, 2009

What's new with Ella?

As of Monday, our little miss Ella is now finally sleeping through the night. And every night she is sleeping for longer periods of time. As a matter of fact, she slept 10 hours straight last night - we thought for sure she would wake up a few times but to our surprise, she didn't. I was watching her on the monitor last night as she lay in her big girl bed and she actually put herself to sleep by sucking on her thumb. It was the sweetest thing!

Ella had her 4 month doctors appointment on Thursday and her doctor, Dr. Clark, could barely recognize her. From her last appointment at 2 months, she has gained over 5 pounds. Here are her stats for her checkup:

Height: 24.5 inches long (57th percentile)
Weight: 13 lbs. 14 oz. (54th percentile)

Mommy has tried on a few occasions giving Ella rice cereal and oatmeal. She does not seem to care for it at all and makes a sour pus face when being fed. We'll keep trying. I'm sure over time she will get used to it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ella's Story...

Our little bundle of joy entered the world 5 weeks early on January 16, 2009. Ella Grace Ryll weighed in at 4lbs. 14oz. and was 17 in. long. Mommy and daddy were very relieved that she did not have to go to the NICU due to her prematurity. Ella came out a fighter and we couldn't have been happier.

About a month after we brought her home, our little princess somehow caught RSV. Daddy was away on a business trip in Minnesota and mommy was home alone with me. Mommy rushed me to the emergency room and met grandma and grandpa there for support. Daddy was flown back home early by his work to see his little "Ella Bella." Ella was in the hospital for a week before finally coming home. After that traumatic event, we took no chances and kept her at home until she was 3.5 months old.

Who would have thought 4 months after her birth, our little miss would be growing so quickly? Ella is weighing in at approximately 13-14 lbs. Not sure exactly until we go in next week for her 4 month shots.

At four months old, Ella is a smiling, happy baby. We absolutely are loving her "goo-goo's and ga- ga's" as her way of communicating. She has recently become very drooley and we are wondering if she will be cutting some teeth soon. We'll just have to wait and see.