Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Look...I can sit up by myself now!!!

On Monday, Ella went in for her 6 month well checkup. She got a few shots (which she did not care for) and was weighed and measured. Ella is now weighing in at 16 lbs. 2.2 oz. and is 26 in. long. She's come a long way as you can tell.

Ella just recently started sitting up on her own. She prefers to sit up over rolling over. She does roll over but would rather be sitting up most of the time.

As you can tell from our photos, she is an all around happy-go-lucky baby. She is happy most of the time (though she does have her moments). She's got some cute habits such as being attached to her blankie as it helps her get to sleep as well as fake coughing as a way of getting our attention. It's super cute!

Posing for the camera

Bedtime Stories

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do you like my headband?

Shh...she's napping

Yes, she can put them in her mouth!

Ella in her big girl chair!

Pardon the scratch on her face, she scratched herself this morning.

Introduction to Solid Foods 101

Two weeks ago we introduced Ella's first real solid food (other than cereal and oatmeal). I was a bit skeptical at first as to weather she would take to it but she did so like a champ! I first had her try it plain without being mixed in the oatmeal and she just made the cutest sour puss face. After a few tastes she decided that she really liked it. From there I mixed it into the oatmeal to see if she would take it and she sure did. Ella's introduction to solid foods started with applesauce and boy she just couldn't get enough of it. As fast as I was shoveling it in she would want more. If I tried to give her a quick break she would get really mad and start throwing a tantrum. I just couldn't help myself from laughing hysterically.

This past Saturday we introduced her to sweet potatoes. Ella decided that this time the only way she would take the sweet potatoes would be if it wasn't mixed in with anything else. She loves the solids so much that she just wants the fruits and veggies alone, with nothing else. Again, you couldn't shovel the food in fast enough!

I also broke out her booster chair yesterday (I honestly forgot we had it as we have been using the bouncy seat). She does great in it and looks like a big girl. We are so excited to be able to eat together as a family where we can feed her her baby food and we can eat our big people food at the same time.

Our Announcement One Year Ago...

It was last July at the annual Marcoux 4th of July festivities that Erik and I broke the news to our friends and family about our little one on the way. There were a select few who had learned of our news a few days earlier as we just couldn't hold it in. I can remember going to visit my mother on her birthday last year and writing a little note in her birthday card about our news. I can still remember the look on her face. She kept saying "no way" and started bawling out of sheer excitement. Erik's parents had just left from a visit the day prior and had just safely returned home when they received our call. I wish we could have broke the news to them in person but we did not know at that point. They were also excited as was everyone else. From there we made calls to Erik and Nicole who were also expecting at the very same time but did not yet know it. Of course we broke the news to my sister and her husband, Erik's sister and her husband, as well as his brother to let them know that their children were soon going to have a new cousin!

Where did the time go?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our Family

Sweet Ella Bella

Friends for Life

Ella and Madeline not cooperating for their photo opp!

Ella with Nonno

Nonni, Ella, and Cousin Austin

Celebrating 4th of July

We had an eventful long weekend as Erik's parents, Ella's Nonno and Nonni, traveled up to see us from South Carolina. We celebrated the 4th, as we always do, at Muriel's and had a blast. We had good food, spent time with good friends and family, and watched an awesome fireworks display. We had so much fun we even went back on Sunday to do it all over again. Erik's parents only stayed for a few days and headed back to South Carolina early Sunday morning with the grand kids, Victoria and Austin. They are spending the summer in South Carolina and will be having a grand old time with Nonno and Nonni. It was so nice that they were able to spend time with Ella. Even if it was only for a few short days.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fun with Auntie Heather

Let me hold that for you, Daddy!

Last weekend Erik and I went to Auntie Heather's house for dinner. We got to visit with Great Grandpa, Auntie Heather, Uncle John, Cousin Victoria, and Cousin Johnny. While daddy was holding little "Ella Bella" she became fixated on his beer. She loved the shape and feeling of the bottle and was trying to steal it from her daddy. It was the funniest thing - you just had to be there. (In case you are, we didn't let her try any Newcastle!)